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smileyIf you have not returned your childs report card please do so as soon as possible. Thanks!


smileyThere will be a Veteran's Day Assembly held on Monday, November 12th at 1:30p.m. in the event center. They will be collecting supplies for our current troops overseas. A list of supplies are being sent home with your child.  If you would like to donate an item please bring it or send it with your child on November 12, 2012.


smileyEvery Wedenesday is Pre-K's day to buy Ice cream the cost is $1.00.  If you would like your child to have an ice cream please send  $1.00 with them on Wednesdays.


smileyWe will be out November 19-23 for Thanksgiving Break.


smileyParents just a reminder we have snack time everyday after the children return from P.E.  If you would like to send a snack  for your childs class  it would be greatly appreciated.  Remember it must be store bought.  We have 21 students in our class.